- Please use the account information provided at https://forms.gle/3rRxA6K8AaCnWrKc6 or use the UPI Code provided below.
- After making the payment, kindly update the form with details such as your PAN, address, and contact information.
- The account is owned by the Alumni Association and is subject to stringent financial regulations imposed by both the government and the association.
- Transactions must be made from an Indian bank account; funds from foreign accounts are NOT accepted due to government regulations.
- Information such as your PAN, address, and contact number is required, and we will submit this data for validation and cross-check transactions on a weekly basis.
- The Alumni Association will release funds via checks only for legitimate expenses, supported by proof of those expenses.
- Please note that the Alumni Association’s policies prohibit payment for alcoholic beverages, and we have five individuals responsible for validating expense details.
- Contribution can be made any time during the event including on the 21st and 22nd.
- Once you’ve made your contribution, please update the form. It is essential to provide your PAN, address, contact number, and other details to the Alumni Association to ensure the source of the contribution is properly identified.
Google form link to update your information – https://forms.gle/3rRxA6K8AaCnWrKc6